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Wednesday, November 16, 2011

A look at 'the future of science: 2021'

A group called the Institute for the Future has created a new "super-visual" report that poses fascinating 'what-if' questions about the future of science and technology. "What if you could record your dreams... What if you could design a life form... What if you could launch a company in orbit?" Everyone knows the future can't be predicted, but "questioning what [it] can be, we can help shape what it will be... Invisibility cloaks. Space hacking. Quantum consciousness. Open-source biology...?" Technology is developing so rapidly, it is hard to tell what we might see in the next 10 years. Flying in cars like the Jetsons? Probably not in our lifetime. Anything is possible, though. Self-driving cars could definitely be attainable, right?

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