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Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Facebook & Google refer suicidal people to help lines

Facebook and Google search have systems in place that can direct suicidal people to help by the messages they write or terms they search for. Facebook is encouraging its users to flag anybody they see they think might be suicidal by their pictures and/or status updates, while staff monitor these reports twenty four hours a day. Although this system has been around since the summer, Facebook is now teaming up with the National Suicide Prevention Hotline. Google's system has a red picture of a telephone and the number for the hotline appear whenever someone searches "suicidal terms."  We can't hide from the fact that suicide is real and it seems to be on the rise, or at least we hear more about it because of the internet and media. Usually, people who are suicidal talk about it first because they are just looking for attention/help. I believe these companies are doing a great thing!

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