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Saturday, December 3, 2011

Customers infuriated over 'Carrier-IQ' app

Carrier-IQ is an information-mining app discretely installed on many phones and news of this app had been around on the internet for awhile. But after a YouTube video appeared last week showing how the software, which is supposed to act as a diagnostic tool, basically logs every single thing a person does, people went crazy and the controversy immediately started. In just four days, there were already lawsuits in place against Carrier IQ, who stated they can't access any personal user information. Supposedly, Sprint uses the app but can't see user activity, Verizon doesn't use the app at all, and Apple has stopped supporting it while planning to eliminate it altogether. For customers wondering if they have this app installed on their phone, a "counter-app" has already been developed in the Android market,Voodoo Carrier IQ detector, which is designed to help find the kit on your phone if it exists. I'm not the least bit surprised by this story! Users of almost any technology these days should realize how exposed and broadcasted your information is. Although, if these companies say that they are not using this information and this isn't what the app is for, then I don't think it should be logging every single keystroke.

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