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Monday, September 26, 2011

Amazon's Android tablet coming soon!!

Amazon's Android tablet has been talked about for months, but is finally expected to be released next week. Late last month, Rotman Epps released another report titled "Amazon Will Be Apple's Top Competitor in Tablets." Within a year, she predicts, "'Amazon' will be synonymous with 'Android' on tablets."  If Amazon can hit the right price, they could be a real competitor with Apple. I am excited to see what this tablet has to offer. I have an Android smartphone that I absolutely love!! I think Android is a great system and if the price if right, I'd consider buying the tablet. I'm also excited for a company being able to actually compete with Apple in the tablet market. Nobody has been able to do it yet; they've all been shutdown. HP pulled their tablet off the market after just 49 days!! I'm so sick of hearing about Apple!!

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Users not happy with new Facebook changes

Facebook made huge changes, again, and people are less than pleased, again! "Instead of defaulting to your friends' most recent posts, the News Feed (which people hated when it was introduced) is now topped in many cases by what Facebook calls "Top Stories" for you." I've seen many people complain on my news feed today, things like "If it's not broke, don't fix it." I personally don't mind the changes. Facebook is trying to stay current and on top of their game, and if they don't change, they will fail miserably, like let's say MySpace? Personally, I think everybody is complaining because they don't understand it! Give it a chance and if you really hate then follow through with your threats and go to Google+!! Although, I don't think anybody is going anywhere; people are much too addicted to Facebook!

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Microsoft reveals Windows 8

"Windows 8 is coming soon -- and it looks nothing like the Windows you're used to." It has an entirely new interface, making it compatible with touchscreens on mobile devices, such as tablets, something Microsoft has really been struggling with lately. It is still a PC operating system, and has a cool new feature where one click can switch you back and forth between the new "metro" experience and the old-fashioned desktop experience. It's expected to roll out in 2012 and it's a little bittersweet for me. Don't get me wrong, I'm extremely excited to see what they've done to improve Windows, but we just bought a new PC with Windows 7, knowing 8 was in the works. That's the fast pace of technology for ya! I love Windows and would absolutely buy a tablet with Windows 8 as it's operating system! 

Wednesday, September 7, 2011

Netflix starts enforcing streaming limits

As of September 1st, Netflix has started enforcing new limits on streaming movies. Even though they have always had a limit with single DVD or streaming-only plans, but now all memberships are only allowed to stream one movie at a time. I think this is really going to change the family's who have full memberships minds'. Parents might like to watch an adult movie in their room, while the kids are watching a children's movie in the living room... Not anymore! I've always had the streaming-only membership, which despite the recent price hikes of Netflix, is still only $7.99. I don't think I would want to pay much more than that, though, being as their recent talks with Starz (who provides some of their best content) failed and it seems like they keep having to cut services.