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Monday, September 26, 2011

Amazon's Android tablet coming soon!!

Amazon's Android tablet has been talked about for months, but is finally expected to be released next week. Late last month, Rotman Epps released another report titled "Amazon Will Be Apple's Top Competitor in Tablets." Within a year, she predicts, "'Amazon' will be synonymous with 'Android' on tablets."  If Amazon can hit the right price, they could be a real competitor with Apple. I am excited to see what this tablet has to offer. I have an Android smartphone that I absolutely love!! I think Android is a great system and if the price if right, I'd consider buying the tablet. I'm also excited for a company being able to actually compete with Apple in the tablet market. Nobody has been able to do it yet; they've all been shutdown. HP pulled their tablet off the market after just 49 days!! I'm so sick of hearing about Apple!!

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